>> these are basically my political beliefs for now and consequently my own political ideology/movement.
>> to all those tired of the modern lefts spinelessness, we must create a world in which sexism, misoginy, transphobia, homophobia, racism, the injustices of capitalism - brought about by the bourgeoisie, the lies of religions that divides us and all forms of discrimination have been utterly annihialated. <<
## reading time: 8 minutes (VERY WIP!!!)
> what is Ivyism or Ivyist Revolutionary Progressive Socialism?
# Ivyism (or previously known as Progressive Authoritarian Socialism) is an authoritarian (Civic-)Nationalist Aniti-capitalist atheistic militaristic and Progressivist ideology that inhabits the top left side of the Auth-Left quadrant.
# it advocates for State-Atheism, Anti-Zionism (but not antisemitism!! we HATE racists), Enviromentalism and a nationalistic anti-globalist people with an authoritarian socialist governament that guarantees the social rights of its citizens but doesnt allow the expansion or dissemination of some conservative or "bigoted" ideas like for example racism, sexism, organized religion (expecially if its abrahamaic or has homophobia, sexism, racism or misoginy built into its beliefs) and the expansion or empowerment of the bourgeoisie; therefore it acts as a sort of vanguard.
# some of its main concerns are class inequality, racism, homophobia/transphobia, the spread of religion, the enviroment and self sustainability.
# it seeks to establish itself through revolutionary and if necessary violent means, initially using the military as a means of staying in power and purging enemies of the state but also as a way to do civilian work like public construction efforts. though, after most of the population has been de-brainwormed from conservatism and educated both politically and socially it will rely on the people to do this.
# it oposes democracy, because it considers a large part of the people - to a certain degree - as not having the social or political education in order to participate in politics, and as being scared to let go of their conservative attitudes, prejudices and fear of social chanange, therefore interfering with the creation of beneficial policies. it also sees democracy as a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, and as a means to give a false sense of control to the proletariat. (from the authprog wiki ->>) "it asserts that its methods are necessary to ensure that conservative ideas on society and culture it sees as "oppressive" or "reactionary" cannot gain power in the political sphere, thus ensuring unimpeded social progress and an equal society for all."
envi (

# a revolution is the only way to change the status quo! - being mostly left wing culturally and economically and having a strong governament/dictator that enforces social equality, socialism, progressivism, national service (like the military, both for civilian and militarist purposes) and loyalty to the cause/nationalism is the best way to govern a nation, we have to rip out those pesky transphobes and bigots with force!
# also enviromentalism is sosososo important because an enviromental collapse would threaten the survival of not just our revolution but the entire world.
# self explanatory i believe, we seek to develop a strong self sustaining socialist state that can act on its own despite the global economic and military empire built by the bourgeoisie.
# stop the genocidal ethnostate! abrahamaic religions are the worst for variousss reasons, like how it has sexism, patriarchy, racism and hate baked and literally EMBEDDED into its core beliefs but it still preached as the """book of love""". religions and beliefs like these are holding humanity back. feel free to have personal beliefs though as long as it on the most basic level doesnt conflict with human progress!
internationalism (later!!) (for expanding progressivism/socialism across the world and colaborating with other communist/socialist nations)
# nationalism is honestly based as long as its anti-globalist/anti-imperialist, based on shared values (like class struggle, progressivism, enviromentalism, defence.. etc) and not racist! so like civic nationalism lol; in other words loyalty to the revolutions ideals define citizenship, creating a nation not defined by blood but by adherance to socialist-progressive values.. once we have achieved self-sufficiency and socialism here, for our own people, and guaranteed our continued existence through whatever means necessary we will assist other countries to do the same! and once the whole world is ruled by the workers and the risk of the bourgeoisie and/or of biggoted ideas returning is null power will slowly be given back to the people so they can rule themselves, forming a classless, moneyless and bigotry-less society for all!! :3
## wip salute idea: closed right fist pointed directly upwards with a bent or extended arm, or extended at a 2oclock position angled slightly updards, or pointed towards your head from the side, like the traditional military salute!
>> We must defend our values from imperialist powers who seek to dismantle us be it with weapons of war, economic sanctions or acts of sabotage. We must fight for the total and complete annihialation of conservatism, nazism and ALL those who seek to destroy us, both before, during and after the revolution; and after we are done we mustn't allow it to ever regain a foothold in civilized society. <<
>> inspired by
marxism-leninism so much its basically just a variation of it at this point sobbb. and a tinnnnny bit
# and some other misc ideologies i dont rllly remember lol
>> the duo governament system (extremely extremely super ultra wip!!)
>> RVC - Revolutionary Vanguard Council (symbolized by the spear)
> comprised of the leader and their cabinet, the leader is voted in for 15 years by the cabinet, the cabinet is chosen strictly from a pool of previous DPA officials that are nominated by DPA members (60% of the DPA must approve an RVC nominee),and background-checked by the PPRS, appointed/approved by the DPA and confirmed by the RVC before taking office.
## requires 2/3rds vote to veto DPA (Veto power over legislation threatening core principles like rollbacks on trans rights etccc)
# Centralized authority to enforce revolutionary goals (anti-capitalism, LGBTQ+/womens rights, environmentalism).
# Directs military, economic planning, and anti-reactionary campaigns.
(mutual veto. RVC vetoes expire after 1 year unless reaffirmed.)
>> DPA - Democratic Peoples Assembly (symbolized by the hammer)
> The DPA follows a 75% 10% 50% system:
> 75% democratically elected officials (with 50% of these seats reserved for marginalized groups, primarily women because as 50% of the population they deserve 50% influence!),
> 10% "policy sceptics" (with 50% of these seats reserved for marginalized groups too!), they are internal critics/advisors loyal to the revolution's core ideas likee anti-capitalism, lgbt/women's rights, environmentalism, state atheism... etc. They debate how or when to achieve goals like funding timelines or implementation methods but never whether to achieve them. Their role is to refine policies through constructive criticism, ensuring efficiency and inclusivity! Violations of these boundaries result in immediate removal by a majority vote of DPA members following a PPRS investigation!! :3c they cant directly vote on policy, instead they can require the DPA to publically respond to sceptic amendments in 30 days, temporarily freeze bills (once per bill) for 30 days forcing further review (potentially by the RVC), push yearly public reports on the DPA/RCV (of which they have to publically reply to in 60 days) and propose amendments/revisions to bills. their members are rotated with the elected officials every 5 years.
> 25% randomly selected citizens for each session, politically educated in basic Ivyist principles and policy analysis, with 50% of these seats reserved for marginalized groups according to their % in the population. (its the same with every other section of the DPA)
# therefore amounting to 100%(can vote)+10%(critics)!
## requires a 75% vote to veto the RVC
## 55% or more = bill gets passed, if not it goes to the second round of voting.
# Direct democracy body focused on social/cultural policies, welfare, oversight and education.
# Propose/vote on laws related to the previously mentioned focuses.
# Audit RVC actions.
>! DPA members are barred from joining the RVC for 5 years after service
-> power is slowly passed from the RVC to the DPA once set milestones are achieved in terms of defeating the global bourgeoisie, education etc...
>> PPRS - Peoples Political Reporting System
# citizens can report curruption, nazism, discrimination against marginalized groups and reactionary action, etccc...
# Accused get public hearings, false reporters face penalties.
# runs background checks on DPA members and RVC candidates.
>> constitution
> A living document codifying core principles like trans rights, anti-capitalism etccc
## Requires 90% DPA + 90% RVC to amend (core issues that is!)
>> misc stuff
> gun ownership?
# MHM!! its a citizens duty to defend their nation!
# You could buy one with extensive mental screening + background checks by the PPRS + training of course (though thats not a problem cuz mandatory service), we need to arm the proletariat, not nazis and reactionaries!
# basically as i mentioned before you could get a licence by earning one while in mandatory military service!
> gun ownership = revolutionary duty, NOT a libertarian privelege.
> its (very cool and awesome) flag :333

# its inspired by the alt transfem flag with diferent meanings for the colours though, the white symbolizes how we wish to live in peace and unity, the light red represents lgbt/womens rights, care, comunity and inclusivity, the darker red represents revolution against the establisment and socialism, it also adds a sense of urgency, black symbolizes how we arent afraid to take direct action and fight for our existence,
# the symbol in the top left corner symbolizes socialism, the workers (the hammer), progressivism, militarism, defense and authority (the spear)